Tag Archive | Perception

Is The Less Traveled Path Also a Dead End?

For quite some time I have not been allowed to hit the ‘like’ button or leave a comment on most of the blog sites I read. For some reason, on a few of the sites I am able to. I haven’t been able to discern any particular difference between the two groups. I’m also unable […]

The FOX In An Expensive Suit

This is a short story about perception and manipulation. Draw your own conclusion… There was concern around the farm about the growing number of eggs that were being taken by the hen house guards who’d always been trusted to care for them. It seemed the hens had to spend more time laying eggs simply to end […]

The Room

There is a room that many people live in. It has windows that aren’t actually windows. They look like windows, but this is an illusion. They are more like opaque glass with inviting delusions painted upon them. The delusions are varied. Some are of beautiful, sunny days with colorful birds and butterflies, fancy clothes, plentiful […]

What Are YOU Waiting For?

What are YOU doing about the incredibly pathetic state of pretend freedom in the world today? Seriously. This was inspired by concern about an important health issue, but has morphed into a strange brew – mostly about the delusional perception of freedom in modern society and delving into a taste of corporate misdirection. Yes, we […]

Feel The Rain…

“As soon as you honor the present moment, all unhappiness and struggle dissolve and life begins to flow with joy and ease.” – Eckhart Tolle Life can suck. That is, life can suck if you insist on believing that life on Earth is supposed to be perfect. Life is full of challenges, it isn’t supposed […]